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Nowhere Adjectives

Adjectives met or may meet again or never, in a twist of fate.   Stupid, Ignorant, Kind and Charming... Four adjectives with little context in each other's lives met in the strangest of circumstances. Charming travelled half way across the globe from Washington to Delhi in search of a delicious meal. His ride was hit by a rogue speeding car in the old lanes of Delhi. He lost everything, except for life and locomotion. Kind, an orphan from the upmarket Greater Kailash happened to see the accident and rushed to help Charming. She didn't know then that Charming would become a liability for many days to come. Little because of circumstances, more because of her own nature. Kind took on the responsibility while she barely could help herself. Kind taught Charming how to beg, borrow and steal. Daily unsure but surely each day, they made a living. From the riches of Clarendon, Washington to the streets of rich Greater Kailash. From being the rich to being the recipient rich. En...


That halting sensation when tyres dig into the road sending high pitched sound straight into the guts!  I hear a van followed by commotion. The same van had circled back to my lane. Probably finding out the right address, it was passing by and ran over someone. I go out to find my love gasping! She was walking back home from the office. About to enter our house.   The society goes helter and skelter. In the desert of apathy called the world, an oasis called Westwood society sustained my quiet life and its troubles. Here, we were thrived on illusions of order and care, until... ...My corner in this ocean of calm had some turbulence; then this tsunami.  It is a regular day by any and all standards in Westwood Society. So regular that, I can recite the daily nagging of my neighbour. The weather is absolutely unnoticeable. No hint of imbalance detected in any of its components.  No shift in humidity or rains, heat or cold or the wind. The kerb cars parked outside homes...

Chaos, Anarchy, Rules, Democracy

Chaos and anarchy are the petrichor of the approaching rain. Their world knows and doesn’t know. Rules and democracy relegate themselves to texts.  The endgame has culminated in Syria. Gaza and Israel are, where they always were, Russia and Ukraine, one can only hope – what even one doesn’t know.  In India's immediate neighbourhood anarchy is just around the corner. And there are countless turbulences manifesting everywhere. Then, there are the frustrations of a commoner. This writer is not an affiliate and hence the use of the word- commoner. Religious, political, societal, gender-based, sporting or filmy; each of this person’s associations are momentary. This person can enjoy a game, vote for a particular leader in an election or move around with no particular sexual or racial group, brandishing as another one, for most of the public appearances. But there is no inherent preference. After committing to these roles, this individual goes back to the realities staring in the ...


Nostalgia wasn't big then. It had started raining. The pitter patter was steady. It rhymed with the wind, and the trees swayed to the music. No soul, as usual passed by in our silent lane; maybe a lone worker heading off from some site to the unknown.  I was back from school. There was no electricity but no complaints there. I stood on the porch my arms extended to feel the light drizzle as the wind spray caressed my face. Ms. Front Door too had come out to feel the same rains. Her arms extended her smile further more. It was time for many other things, but they could all wait; tuitions, football and friend meetings later that evening, cycle ride to school. The last one helped me understand how much I liked school and the thought-shelter it provided my brain.  The street smelled of nostalgia and looked like a black and white postcard from a distant land.  This is life as I have known, as I have seen. 20 years from now all playmates from colonies, mohallas and societies wi...

Rehashed Love Stories

There are two meaning of the word ‘rehashed’. One - without significant change or improvement and the other - consider or discuss something at length. And I mean both here. Strolling on one of the busy beaches of the city, on a festive night is an assault on the senses. But there are patterns of sanity, emotions, conflicts, love, hate or conspiracies hidden in the sea of madness. One has to simply focus one’s attention on a particular aspect of humanity. As I went about kicking the little space of cool sand coming my feet’s way, I couldn’t help but notice- love. Love, love.   Out of the two evening seas, in the human one, I saw this love; walking, talking, observing, kneeling, cuddling, kissing, arguing, fighting. It may not be all love; I contradicted my thought. But resemblance is enough to brand an action especially, when telling a story. And I added my thought-spice as these love stories played all around me. What came my way first was the passionate love. Under a lones...

In Search of Conclusions

It is amazing how a day I should be proud of, begins with many things I am ashamed of. But I realize I am not a consequential being. Freedom earned, freedom gained in a particular context means little to a mind grappling with freedom from a spiralling thought processes. Efforts, sincerity of purpose, struggle seem to draw nothing. Just like the words. This last bit hurts more than everything else. About a decade ago, I had addressed a fellow being, thinking something mattered. Something might move. A heart, a character, a system, a humanity. I see the parade of the Americans, the Russians, the Taliban, the Israeli, of the right and of the left. I see death of soldiers and terrorists. I see victors and vanquished. Everyone seem to be in a state of eternal existence with no conclusiveness.  Then there is the rapist and the raped. As much as I hate to bring them in the same sentence the butchery of living demands, that I do. There is the system and the anti-system in which they try to...

Addled Brain On a Train

Pre-World Soaked in a pink glow with a texture of white, the place made me forget all my woes. It was a beautiful morning in the big city and I was out for breakfast with my brother. The pleasant setting was enlivened further when the breakfast was served. It looked Instagram-worthy, and tasted good. The delightful setting also made me forget it was 10:05 am and the time to book a tatkal AC coach seat on the Indian Railways was already gone. Ideally, it is one hour but practically it hardly lasts beyond a minute. A happy day it was, except now I booked a non-AC tatkal at 11 am, which wasn’t a problem ‘AC’ wise, because I prefer open windows. But... The Journey Begins From an idyllic morning in the big city to the next one, on its busy platform, filled with early morning commuters and busy office goers; this was one of my many rendezvous with unwritten rules of Indian train travel. It begins with the fact that most of the long-distance commuters in this country have to travel with...

Significantly Insignificant

(Based on a True Story) She, the human-she, was visiting and the hill-fort was on agenda for the day, along with a group of friends. This was on earth. The sky had another her, with him, destined to be on the same hill-fort.  The weather those days was cloudy and sultry, calling for heavy showers. The Deccan skies of the subcontinent, saw a couple glide in on a weary day. The absence of breeze didn't help. Sighting a watershed seemed a distant dream. The search for the same was going off-path. Being off-path here could mean death. The about-to-rain skies looked like a sure shelter to the weather-beaten faces. She signalled him to stop. A cannon on top of a hill came in sight, surrounded by greens and a stone floor. It wasn't an ideal place, but looked welcoming. Water pond at the base of a curved precipice leading down from there sealed the deal. Coming closer, she saw there was hardly any water in it. It smelled of plastic and piss. But survival triumphs all considerations. He...

Drop-ped Lives!

The air picked them up on their drive. Driven across the sea were those tiny drops now. Condensed cold in the deep Pacific dropped them into the water. Drops dropped unceremoniously, unnoticed. Thousands of miles away, or maybe close to them on the South American mass, some students were learning about the same phenomenon. One of them was him.  The drops glided on with their family as a container ship went by. Somehow, though they got crushed under it on the open seas. Got pushed hard and down on a soft and flexible floor. Many years later, a whale almost gulped them. But somehow it didn’t. Then stillness of the expanse followed for an indeterminable age. Lifeless as ever on water, in water. One day they rose. Rose on being beaten by an angry Sun. They collided with their counterparts from the Indian Ocean. In the massive comingling that followed they crossed over to the latter. There, the drops were gulped by a drowning Filipino. After twisting and turning uncomfortably in the...

No New Post!

No new post is worthy of being posted. They warned me of this. Writing, especially for the sake of writing is bad choice.  But, I went ahead anyway.  "How much of a flimsy idiot are you?" I stay transfixed. I have no reply to the following. What stuns me is not the argument they put forth, but the lack of answer/reply on my part. I know there is a reply in me somewhere. A good one. But it doesn't surface. Why am I writing a post? Who cares? Even if they do, how does it matter? In fact, I have been sloppy with my writing many a times, so why wouldn't anybody else be with their reading? That too, when they might not even be readers.   "Now, let us explain", explained these friends. "If    someone does open the link to your post (assuming someone actually does!), they will see the length of the post. Length might be a good thing, but definitely not in this case. A glance at the page is motivation enough to move ahead to a different picture, the next video...