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Showing posts from April 29, 2018

Sexually Explicit

Many people will read sexually explicit and won't read further. Some might, secretly or openly. A growing kind are the ones  outraged just looking at someone looking at these words! One of my friend considers talking about sex, not the verb but even the noun, as outrageous. This one time he was explaining the procedure of filling out a bank form. "First write your name, then address, then the pin code and don't forget to mention whether you are a male or a female." He simply won't say 'Sex'. That was too sexually explicit for him.  Proof that people like him exist aplenty - try voicing the word in any crowded bank branch across this country. The mere mention of the word draws fleeting but definitely uneasy glances from listeners. As if you just spit on someone. Talking of spit, recently DNA samples from saliva of at least 10 guys were collected from a crime scene. The scene, with full sensitivity I state, not surprisingly was the body of a teenage